What can a man do.

(or a woman)

Post Covid, post lockdown and post government/media fearmongering thoughts

Did having the vaccine harm us ?

What is the truth about excess deaths in 2024 ?

Note to readers. This could easily have become the second part of my recent post ‘why so angry’ as most of what I have slowly found out over the last 3 years has made me very angry indeed – the worst, for me, was when my partner’s father was in hospital, terminally ill with something else but had tested positive for Covid 19. The whole family were barred from seeing him despite the fact that he was dying, he was a very sociable man and in my opinion the social isolation and poor nursing care were 2 factors in hastening his death. Having been a nurse for all of my adult life I am both ashamed and disgusted what the NHS has turned into.

However, allow me to pick apart my anger piece by piece.

Enough evidence has now emerged (in my opinion) that we can now see all that was done during the Covid 19 lockdown and vaccine frenzy, unfortunately for both the ‘liberal’ governments and pharmaceutical companies it looks almost wholly bad even deliberately anti human.

Right now there does seem to be a new phenomenon (excess deaths) and a newly emerging pathology – which though isn’t exactly new. Given the death rate during the actual Covid pandemic, especially among the elderly, was high we might have expected a slump in the statistics of deaths after the pandemic : the reality though is that excess deaths have increased and notably among a younger population. The recent appearance and reporting of the presence, post mortem, of organized ‘white’ clots in soft organs is new and being reported as a new pathology – it isn’t quite in that I am one of the few whom have seen it before.

The disease pattern that I saw some twenty years ago was known then as chronic embolic pulmonary hypertension and the outcome was presence of an apparently slow forming pulmonary embolism like structure but one not amenable to thrombolysis. The clot formation was almost like a complete cast of the inside of the heart’s right ventricle and proximal pulmonary arteries except that it was adhered to the arteries and could only be removed by surgical dissection. The procedure required to do so was known as a PTE or pulmonary thrombo endarterectomy – I was tasked with visiting a surgical clinic in San Diego (California) to see the procedure and produce a report for the cardiothoracic center where I worked. I don’t know if the new phenomenon of lethal organised white clot shares the same pathology but the visual comparison is striking : I came back with a set of photographic slides, recently searched for them and my own report but I suspect they are long disappeared – after all it was some 25 years ago and a lot has happened since.

The first part of this post could have gone into my post ‘why so angry’ although it would have made that post overly long. Instead, I re wrote it as a series of slightly more rational points from the release of the virus to the mandates for vaccination and of course our own (UK) government’s response.

1 Naturally occurring or accidental spread ?

The first point that I have to put on the table is also the first one that couldn’t be discussed because to do so would have been censored : this is of course the thorny subject of whether Covid 19 was a naturally occurring virus that jumped species (as the Chinese and the WHO claimed) or an accidental release from the laboratory in Wuhan where gainer research was being carried out. I tend now towards the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis but it doesn’t really matter, the virus is ‘out there’.

2,Massive conspiracy or the real deal.

If it sounds as though I am some kind of bonkers conspiracy theorist then think again ; what I am is an ex ICU nurse whom has spent most of an adult lifetime trying to keep people alive and one thing that was a regular feature of ICU was unknown chest problems that caused ARDS (Adult respiratory distress syndrome) – many of these being of suspected viral origin and usually lethal. In the last few years for example we have had recognised chest pathologies such as SARS and MERS and both of them can sometimes require ventilation (IPPV). I took Covid 19 seriously but in a way just another variant of what we have seen before but I do have one nutty neighbor who goes into an instant rant when Covid is mentioned – referring to it as ‘Pfizer Flu – not seemingly having ever heard of the Influenza (Flu) outbreak of 1918 that had caused some 25-50 (estimated) deaths worldwide. The however here is that many deaths were ascribed to Covid 19 if the patient tested positive but actually died of something else entirely – the suspicion that the number of deaths would ‘fuel the narrative’.

3. “Moronic f**kpigs” (Cummings)

While I will talk about the current farcical Covid inquiry it’s useful to do a quick recap of our (UK) government’s actions, communication and decisions through this time and especially their incompetent initial response.

A few weeks ago I was occasionally dipping into the deliberately limited yet highly farcical UK Covid inquiry, at last viewing they were taking a break allegedly to allow more of those being questioned to pull together their communications and records ; what happened of course is that more of them (Sturgeon for example) only went and deleted more of their own messages. The main feature of the inquiry thus far is that of the main players trying to throw each other under the bus. That’s where Dominic Cummings comes in with his “Moronic Fuckpigs” quip about most of the cabinet. He did also say that the PM (Johnson) was “bamboozled” by the information he was being fed – I was initially rooting for Johnson as it was his second major challenge of being in office : initially I thought that he did the right thing by deferring to the scientists and health secretary but in hindsight it seems that there was no plan, that the scientists were leaning heavily on computer modelling and that Johnson himself was quoted as saying that the elderly should “accept their fate”. That they made the wrong move at every turn is now obvious – the worst move (in my opinion) being that of discharging the elderly from acute hospitals into ‘care’ homes where the home would act as a disease focus and cause an almost 100% spread of infection among those most vulnerable.

4.Follow ‘the science’

The mantra of government and media became ‘follow the science’ although what was meant was ‘do what we say’ because here is the flimsy ‘science’ to back up the narrative. The problem was that even early on those who understand the scientific process even slightly will know that this is not how science works but what actually happened is that anything that remotely challenged the accepted narrative was immediately rejected for being unsound (like a heretical opinion) thus most things being mandated had no real basis in evidence – use of face shields (often cotton masks),social lockdowns and social isolation. The basic science of microbiology hasn’t fundamentally changed in the 50 years since I was taught it – for instance that the size of a virus particle hasn’t suddenly changed to the point where it would be stopped by what is essentially a cotton handkerchief tied across the face, in practice usually under the nose and with huge gaps at the sides. I often do use PPE’s in my work and wouldn’t even use the so called masks in my boatbuilding because they are even mostly useless as a dust mask let alone for virus protection.

If we wish to follow the actual science what we shouldn’t do is listen to some TV presenter spouting a third hand view of what was written up as ‘fact’ in some government or industry supported piece of propaganda and instead go read the actual published, and ideally Cochrane reviewed research papers and, ideally, have the ability to critically understand what it is you are reading. Right now that would mean dropping in on the only YouTube presenter’s channel who has the ability and will to do that. That of course is British nurse educator (with a doctorate) John Campbell who painstakingly reads through every paper, line by line like the medical/nurse PHd level educator that he is and presents to us what the paper does and does not say. Some comments on John’s channel is that he is ‘just’ a nurse, well so am I and I might well have been the ‘just a nurse’ who is trying to keep you alive in the ICU !

5. The vaccine, vaccine injuries and vaccine mandates

Back in 2021 the proposed vaccine seemed to the great white hope of the Uk government in that it was claimed that : it would be ‘safe’, would ‘protect’ the public from infection, would help those already infected and that a given percentage of people need to have been vaccinated to get that level of ‘protection’ (this is all from memory). If I have this right then the pharmaceutical companies would be immune/protected by the government from any claims due to vaccine injuries – which it was also claimed would not and could not happen.

Then mandates happened or nearly happened – I don’t even want to get into that here because, IMO, it overrides some fundamental laws. As it happens it is still mandated in several healthcare related jobs in my area. My current approach is that they need me far more than I need them and in no circumstance that I can think of today would I be forced or coerced into accepting a medicine that is known to have killed people : the vaccine that I had, for example, was withdrawn when it was found to be causing blood clots, mainly in young women.

The funny part about Covid and vaccines is that I had 2 doses (the vaccine that was later withdrawn), I never got a dose of Covid but mainly I think because I am THE most asocial person imaginable and tend to live, most of the time, in social isolation. Then, in March 2022 I attended my partner’s late father’s funeral and, for a while, had to socialize with a whole bunch of vaccinated people and both my partner and I became infected. Even more recently I have heard about former nurse colleagues who have had 5 or 6 boosters and still got Covid.

Now, I think that there is very good evidence that having the vaccine does not protect against infection, offers little or no benefit to the already infected and for a safe pharmaceutical has a stunningly high incidence of severe side effects. I would claim that my partner certainly and me maybe both have likely vaccine injuries.

6. The NHS response, the good ,the bad and the downright evil.

I find it difficult to talk about the role of the NHS, in terms of acute hospitals and care homes, with regard to the whole Covid response because I guess, I spent so much of my working life at the sharp end of acute healthcare. At first I thought that our response was quite magnificent – until about the time we got synchronized clapping as though we had all moved to north Korea, but then it all started to go a bit sour when the NHS went very and only self protective and then to total disgust with how lazy many of my once fellow nurses became in the ‘care‘ (couldn’t care less in some cases) in the sloppy (at best) management of many older patients. There are a few things that I do really want to say about NHS management at what used to be called Ward level and particularly with regard to the attitude of many ward managers…..what we used to call sisters back in the day.

7.Excess deaths, manipulation of statistics and ministerial non attendance in Parliament.

Excess deaths were very much ‘the flavor of the month’ back in January this year with commentators as diverse as John Campbell, Neil Oliver and even Katie Hopkins referring to the

government’s own actual data which seemed to show that we were still in an extended ‘spike’ where deaths in a younger generation were much higher than we would normally predict ; to me the government excuses were nonsensical (that it was 1.The NHS’s fault for not screening enough people and 2. It was the people’s own fault for being sick, fat and lazy. The the government pulled the ultimate blinder by manipulating the data in such a way as that it showed less deaths despite the known fact that more deaths occurred.

Then when one concerned MP tried to have the subject debated in parliament most MP’s who were in the house that day simply walked out of the house – from what I saw on TV some low ranking MP’S were told to leave by other, I assume more senior MP’s. My own MP definitely wasn’t there (i asked her) as she obviously doesn’t give a hoot about excess deaths in her own constituency but neither, it seems to do most MP’s care and only get off their arses to jeer like so many schoolboys when one MP gets up to speak.

8. The emergence of a new disease….or not ?

Just recently (this is March 2023) I kept hearing references to the possible emergence of a new disease or new patholgy, the main finding being the presence of what is being called ‘organized white clot’ found by morticians post mortem. This is one disease recently picked up on by fellow ex nurse (Dr) John Campbell and for instance as discussed with Tv presenter Neil Oliver. It is being touted as a new disease and the implication being that it is either a post Covid 19 complication and even worse potentially a post Covid vaccine side effect/complication. If the latter was ever proved to be the case then the companies that produced the vaccine would be in a whole heap of trouble.

In the UK though I may be one of a very few people who don’t see this as a new finding and therefore a new disease pattern because I have seen this kind of organised white clot being removed from a patient’s heart and pulmonary arteries during a complex procedure called a PTE (pulmonary thrombo-endarterectomy) for a recognized condition known as CTEPH (Cronic thromboembolic hypertension).

I first came across this disease and watched a single operative procedure around 25 years ago when I was sent to a private hospital (clinic) in San Diego, California on behalf of the cardiothoracic center where I worked at the time. The idea was that our center would become a specialist center for doing PTE procedures in the UK.

At the time I prepared a report for that hospital, we attempted the procedure (Once to my understanding) and it was not a success so it was never repeated and I think because we had so much ‘normal’ heart surgical procedures to get through the idea was quietly shelved. I still had photographic slides of organized white clot post procedure up until a few years ago but I suspect I either lost them, disposed of them or gave them away when I retired some 5 years ago.

Today, although retired and a long time away from cardiothoracic ICU I still maintain occasional interest especially when this kind of thing pops up. Here, just for reference is what organized white clot looks like and please be aware that this is not originally my own photograph but was taken from one of the more recent papers about the subject.

So….What can a man do ? – and what I am referring to here is to ask the question about how best we can maintain our own health by our own means and in so doing cause ourselves no harm and do nothing that we find to be useless.

For me the first thing is to reject anything that comes out of a cabinet minister’s mouth, in fact to take everything that one says and turn it inside out and upside down to make any guess of what the truth might be. There were, although little known and not promoted, simple actions that we could all take that would have helped to keep us healthy and I think today we know even more than we did back then – perhaps what we have just had is a massive wakeup call.

I am much more interested now in the positive things that we could, and maybe should be doing – just one thing, as it comes to mind is supplementing Vitamin D : as I write we are just coming out of a dismal and grey English winter into a damp and grey early spring. I have often suffered with SAD (Seasonal affective disorder) for example because I worked for years on nights and often never saw true daylight for days on end. What I found to work for me was to spend as much time as I could in the outdoors – even a simple walk to work and back was a great boon.

Nowadays I am much more aware of low Vitamin D being an actual health problem, consider normal dietary intake insufficient and usually take a couple of ‘squirts’ of sublingual Vitamin D daily – I have no idea of my actual levels and with the lack of enthusiasm for positive health coming from most GP practices can’t imagine getting it done easily. While talking about supplements I also take at least half a gram of Vitamin C daily and when I remember to I take a Zinc supplement.

The most positive thing that I have done recently is to start an exercise program in which all I do is spend an hour (sometimes 2 hours) walking around the local lanes and hills, as I write I am at walk no 57 out of 100 planned and at 100 done I will step things up : I talk about this in greater detail in my recent post ‘Changing up’ as it comes mostly from the work of 2 doctors that work in the field. For me, getting that daily walk helps greatly towards my physical health and I would suggest that it improves my mental health as well.

That is perhaps my take home message from this post : ignore everything and anything that the government says without first reading a peer reviewed paper. Definitely ignore anything that an uninformed journalist says. Push back hard against any social media post that argues that we should all ‘comply’ because the neurotic sheep already have. Instead become very informed by reading the actual scientifi papers just as John Campbell et al already do. Adopt a personal strategy for long term health that includes even quite basic exercise and at the same time stop eating dietary poisons such as sugar and vegetable oils.

I believe that it is a very good idea to remove or reduce certain things from our diet : added sugar is definitely one as is anything with HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) – often used in drinks and commercial baking, and my last exclusion is vegetable oils. When I consciously stopped using anything like sunflower oil a few years back I cured my hypertension and my newly forming arthritis.

To really go down this road in the UK is to become unlike most British people who are usually extremely passive and technically ignorant when it comes to their own health – in my own professional work it was usual for me to meet patients who were taking multiple medicines that they couldn’t pronounce the names of let alone what they were for or what their side effects might be. I would suggest that the best starting point for anyone near my age would be to read Dr Peter Attia’s book ‘Outlive’ and from there become directly interested in their own health.

1 Comment

  1. In the Kingdom of the Blind, I listen to the one-eyed man (or woman) but unfortunately there aren’t too many about. I do, however, count you as one. Wise words there Steve.


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